Michael Chant
In addition to instructional design, my current role here at Eversource involves project management.
This includes managing our relationship with our external vendors. Some of these vendors deliver
training for us, some produce our internally created virtual courses, some help us create materials
for our courses ❨such as voice-over artists❩ and others provide the technology ❨such as Adobe❩.
A big project for me at BSC was our HR Excellence Program. This program is made up of four modules, HR Consulting Skills, Change Management, Org Design, and HR Analytics, built for our HR colleagues. Each module is a blended course, consisting of two live virtual sessions ❨hosted on Adobe Connect Pro❩, with self-directed activities before, in between, and after.
I was on the team tasked with building the first two modules, HR Consulting Skills and Change Management. This involved working with the SMEs, building the virtual rooms in Connect Pro, participant and facilitator materials, piloting, and training our instructors and producers.
These first two modules served as a model for the teams who created the remaining two. This approach of creating a blended program with our LMS
was new for our team, and we had to figure out the process as we went along. I was able to coach the other teams on creating the program in the LMS,
creating participant and facilitator materials, conducting the train-the-trainer, and piloting.
Click to view recording of our Change Management pilot.
The launch of the first three modules ❨HR analytics is piloting in March 2019❩ was considered a success. Our design team was awarded the Boston Scientific HR Excellence Award 2018 ‘Driving Success’ for our work on this project.